Welcome to my blog

I’m David! I create photographic experiences where you are fully understood and represented without the pressure of trying to do it all yourself. I enjoy capturing the essence of who you are and helping you to communicate that to the world with confidence. Below you will find helpful articles you may find of interest and which can educate you on photography experiences.

8 Reasons why you need multi-generational family portraits in 2024
Family Portrait David Roberts Family Portrait David Roberts

8 Reasons why you need multi-generational family portraits in 2024

Planning a family photo session can feel overwhelming, right? Coordinating outfits, schedules, and making sure everyone is in a good mood can seem daunting.. And when you throw extended family into the mix? It can feel like a whole new level of chaos!

Before you decide it's too much, let me assure you there's something special about extended family sessions. They're not just about getting everyone together for a photo, they're about capturing those unique moments with your loved ones. Think about it, these photos aren't just for now; they're for generations to come. They're a celebration of the bonds and connections that make your family special.

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A Guide For The Perfect Height to Hang Your Wall Art
wall art David Roberts wall art David Roberts

A Guide For The Perfect Height to Hang Your Wall Art

Everyone deserves to hang their favourite pieces in their home, fill those blank walls. Just make sure you put them in the right spot so you make the space look better and not worse.

I have put some tips or you today so that you understand where and how to hang your artwork and at the perfect height.

These are my guidelines for hanging your photographs and artwork on your walls.

Good riddance Eye-Level Rule: If you are tall or have high ceilings this create issues.

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Why Bother with Family Portraits?
Family, Portraiture David Roberts Family, Portraiture David Roberts

Why Bother with Family Portraits?

Technology has changed the trend of taking photos but the value of family portraits is absolutely priceless. Mobile phones have made snapping birthday party photos, taking a selfie (how did this become a thing) and even taking a photo to show proof something was delivered/sent has become incredibly easy.

Mobile phones are so handy in a tight spot, but they are not a substitute for booking a talented photographer to create stunning wall art of your family for your home. Why are family portraits so important? Read below to find out.

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Displaying your Photographs in Your Home
Family, Displaying your portraits David Roberts Family, Displaying your portraits David Roberts

Displaying your Photographs in Your Home

Choosing how to display luxury Portraits at home

It’s the little things that allude to a person lives here that makes a house a home. The row of children’s shoes (did I say row, I meant thrown across the floor), the dog leash hanging by the door, anything specific to you and your lifestyle. But there is one universal thing unique to each household that adds “homeliness” to your space and that is (you guessed it) family photographs.

It makes perfect sense to hang up pictures of those we love the most and what better way to do it than sprinkling images around your home to make your hearts happy. Memories that were once seemed unforgettable can fade over time, but portraits have a magic way of taking you right back to that moment or feeling . . .

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The Therapeutic Power of Portrait Photography on Mental Health
Portraiture, Mental Health David Roberts Portraiture, Mental Health David Roberts

The Therapeutic Power of Portrait Photography on Mental Health

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where stress and anxiety seem to be constant companions, the therapeutic benefits of art, on mental wellbeing, are increasingly gaining recognition. Portrait photography has emerged as a therapeutic outlet, offering profound benefits for the mental well-being for both photographers and their subjects.

For photographers, the act of capturing portraits becomes an immersive experience, requiring a heightened sense of empathy and connection with the subject. This intimate engagement can be profoundly therapeutic for the photographer, offering a unique form of self-expression and a channel for creative release.

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Dress for Headshot Success
Executive Headshots David Roberts Executive Headshots David Roberts

Dress for Headshot Success

In the world of professional headshots, the way you dress speaks volumes about your identity and competence. As a seasoned New Zealand photographer, I'm here to guide you on what to wear for that perfect headshot, ensuring you make a lasting impression with a touch of Kiwi professionalism.

Dress for Your Industry: Be Your Boss's Style Twin

In Kiwi workplaces, appropriate dress varies widely. Whether you're in a formal profession like law or medicine or a creative field, taking cues from your boss or industry leaders can help you strike the right balance of confidence without appearing overly formal.

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The significance of crediting your photographer
Photographer David Roberts Photographer David Roberts

The significance of crediting your photographer

Photographers get so excited when we see clients share our photos on social media. We do a little happy dance and we know you must LOVE what we created with you, if you are sharing it with the world. But when we don’t see a credit to our business anywhere on the post, we immediately feel sad, discouraged and honestly slightly confused. I honestly feel like the reasons clients omit a credit to a photo have nothing to do with any bad intentions, people just forget or they don’t know any better.

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A Guide to the 5 Essential Steps for a Successful Personal Branding Photo Session
Personal Branding David Roberts Personal Branding David Roberts

A Guide to the 5 Essential Steps for a Successful Personal Branding Photo Session

Welcome to the transformative world of branding photography! Whether you are a flourishing startup, an established business or an individual looking to make a mark, a branding photo session is your ticket to a visual identity that resonates. I am thrilled you are considering this pivotal step and I'm here to guide you through this 5 step process.

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What to wear for your Family Photos: A Simple Guide
Family, Guide David Roberts Family, Guide David Roberts

What to wear for your Family Photos: A Simple Guide

Life moves so fast doesn’t it? Blink and the seasons change. So quickly, our tiny toddlers are not so tiny any more. You took the decision to capture those family moments and booked a photographer to freeze time and create memories for you that will last a life time. But . . . . . what do you wear? Most days, if you are anything like our family of four children, just getting dressed in anything is a challenge. But now you need to coordinate outfits? That’s where I can help out with my style guide for outfits and colours.

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Four Reasons Why Your Headshot is Important Too
Headshots, Executive Headshots David Roberts Headshots, Executive Headshots David Roberts

Four Reasons Why Your Headshot is Important Too

The era of relying on selfies and casual Facebook profile pictures as your headshot is a thing of the past - it simply doesn't cut it anymore. In today’s dynamic world, it's easy to forget your audience is eager to catch a glimpse of you. It's time to leverage that power for your personal brand and business success.

Here are four compelling reasons why investing in your headshots is not just beneficial but essential for your professional journey. . .

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6 tips for a Smooth Mini Portrait Session
David Roberts David Roberts

6 tips for a Smooth Mini Portrait Session

What to wear or not to wear, that is the big question! It is best to have your outfits ready to go several days in advance. Take plenty of time to try them on. You want them to look and feel great (I have more on this below). Doing this in advance will alleviate stress as picture day approaches.

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Planning For Success with a Consultation
Consultation David Roberts Consultation David Roberts

Planning For Success with a Consultation

Good planning is the best way to ensure a successful portrait session. I make it easy with a personal consultation in your home, my home/studio, over a zoom call, or in your favorite café. Our pre-session get-together gives us a chance to get to know each other and . . . .

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What to wear - style guide
David Roberts David Roberts

What to wear - style guide

Choosing what you wear to your portrait session is kind of a big deal. I mean, these pictures are going to be around for a while. Still, you shouldn't stress out about it too much. When selecting your outfits for the day, I have three rules of thumb to follow

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