Dress for Headshot Success

A Guide to Dressing for a Professional Headshot in New Zealand

In the world of professional headshots, the way you dress speaks volumes about your identity and competence. As a seasoned New Zealand photographer, I'm here to guide you on what to wear for that perfect headshot, ensuring you make a lasting impression with a touch of Kiwi professionalism.

Dress for Your Industry: Be Your Boss's Style Twin

In Kiwi workplaces, appropriate dress varies widely. Whether you're in a formal profession like law or medicine or a creative field, taking cues from your boss or industry leaders can help you strike the right balance of confidence without appearing overly formal.

Formal Flair: Say No to Overly-Casual

Even in laid-back Kiwi workplaces, opting for formal wear in your headshots can convey confidence and authority. Choose clothing that not only aligns with your industry but also makes you feel self-assured. Suits, ties, and formal blouses can give you that extra boost of confidence.

Multiple Outfits: Versatility is Key

For Kiwi professionals juggling diverse interactions, having headshots in different outfits is a game-changer. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, showcase your adaptability by featuring multiple outfits that resonate with various professional scenarios.

Suit-Inspired Confidence: Power in Masculine Attire

In the New Zealand professional landscape, darker-hued suits and trousers carry a certain gravitas, especially for those eyeing management positions. Research suggests that these attire choices contribute to perceptions of forcefulness and influence.

Headshot of professional female

Fresh is Best: Avoid Worn-Out Wardrobe

While we all have our favourite pieces, worn-out clothing can detract from your professional image. Opt for newer items or those labelled "dry clean only" to maintain a polished appearance.

Simple Jewellery: Let Your Features Shine

Less is more when it comes to jewellery. Stick to simple, understated pieces that enhance, not distract.

Mind the Details: Collars and Undershirts

For that crisp, professional look, skip the undershirt in your headshot. A stiff collar is crucial, a "floppy collar" can make even a perfectly dressed individual appear less put together.

Professional headshot of gentleman with beard and glasses

Colour Psychology: Choose Wisely

Consider the science of colour theory when selecting your headshot wardrobe. Dark colours exude formality and authority, while light colours create a friendly aura. Pay attention to high-contrast pairings to convey influence and authority.

Solid Colours Rule: Keep it Simple

When it comes to headshots, simplicity is key. Solid colours and subtle patterns complement every face, avoiding distractions that bold or busy patterns might cause.

Fit Matters: Tailored for Success

A well-fitted wardrobe enhances your professional image. Opt for higher necklines, snug collars, and tailored fits for a cleaner, more polished appearance. Remember, quality headshots often capture close-ups, so details matter.

Professional headshot of red haired female

The Right Photographer: Quality Over Everything

While your attire plays a crucial role, the quality of your photographer is paramount. If you're a Kiwi professional seeking a headshot session, explore our Individual Sessions page for pricing and booking information. Your journey to a compelling professional image begins with the right wardrobe and the right photographer.

In the vibrant professional landscape of New Zealand, let your headshots tell your unique story with the perfect blend of style and substance.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your headshots, personal branding or portraits. Contact David Roberts Portraits


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