Welcome to my blog

I’m David! I create photographic experiences where you are fully understood and represented without the pressure of trying to do it all yourself. I enjoy capturing the essence of who you are and helping you to communicate that to the world with confidence. Below you will find helpful articles you may find of interest and which can educate you on photography experiences.

Why Bother with Family Portraits?
Family, Portraiture David Roberts Family, Portraiture David Roberts

Why Bother with Family Portraits?

Technology has changed the trend of taking photos but the value of family portraits is absolutely priceless. Mobile phones have made snapping birthday party photos, taking a selfie (how did this become a thing) and even taking a photo to show proof something was delivered/sent has become incredibly easy.

Mobile phones are so handy in a tight spot, but they are not a substitute for booking a talented photographer to create stunning wall art of your family for your home. Why are family portraits so important? Read below to find out.

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The Therapeutic Power of Portrait Photography on Mental Health
Portraiture, Mental Health David Roberts Portraiture, Mental Health David Roberts

The Therapeutic Power of Portrait Photography on Mental Health

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where stress and anxiety seem to be constant companions, the therapeutic benefits of art, on mental wellbeing, are increasingly gaining recognition. Portrait photography has emerged as a therapeutic outlet, offering profound benefits for the mental well-being for both photographers and their subjects.

For photographers, the act of capturing portraits becomes an immersive experience, requiring a heightened sense of empathy and connection with the subject. This intimate engagement can be profoundly therapeutic for the photographer, offering a unique form of self-expression and a channel for creative release.

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