Welcome to my blog
I’m David! I create photographic experiences where you are fully understood and represented without the pressure of trying to do it all yourself. I enjoy capturing the essence of who you are and helping you to communicate that to the world with confidence. Below you will find helpful articles you may find of interest and which can educate you on photography experiences.
6 tips for a Smooth Mini Portrait Session
What to wear or not to wear, that is the big question! It is best to have your outfits ready to go several days in advance. Take plenty of time to try them on. You want them to look and feel great (I have more on this below). Doing this in advance will alleviate stress as picture day approaches.
6 Tips to Relax in Front of the Camera
To be fair, I don’t know many people who actually love being in front of a camera. Many many people suffer from a phobia of being in front of a camera.